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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Foo Fighters

   I was raised a rock and roll kid. Just like any other preteen girl in the nineties I had Britney Spears and the Spice Girls on tape. They looked out of place next to the old Led Zeppelin, Eagles, and Rolling Stones albums my parents played all the time. But that was the sound I enjoyed. The guitar riffs. The drum solos. Robert Plant’s distinct shrill voice. These bands were no longer making new albums though, so I couldn’t look forward to hearing a new single on the radio.
   I remember the first time I heard “Everlong” by the Foo Fighters. The single came out in 1997 when I was 6 years old. I was in the car with my dad when it came on. We both loved it. My dad ended up buying the album that single was on, “The Colour and the Shape”. I've been an avid Foo Fighters fan ever since.

   I own every single Foo Fighters album to date. Nowadays everything is auto tuned and synthesized. They stay true to their rock and roll sound. Their most recent album, “Wasting Light”, was recorded in Dave Grohl’s (the lead singer) garage using only analog equipment. If there was one celebrity on earth I would go nuts for I met it would be Dave Grohl. Not because I think he’s “hot”. I respect him so much as a musician.
   In January of 2008 I got to see them live in concert. I was on the floor, right by the stage, in a sea of screaming half-drunk fans. It wasn’t my ideal environment. As soon as Dave walked on stage with his light blue Gibson DG335 electric guitar, it was just me and the music. They have been a part of my life for 14 years. I will be just as big a fan in another 14 years. Foo Fighters, keep rockin’ on!